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Cologne, October 2018
Dear colleagues and friends,
There are only a few days left until ISHL11. To help you prepare your visit effectively, online abstracts and a mobile web app are available now.
The web app offers you an instant access to all sessions, presentations, posters, abstracts, speakers, exhibitors and maps.

End of Daylight Saving Time

Please note that during the night from October 27 to October 28, 2018, the clock will be set back one hour in Central Europe.
For further details, please visit our homepage.
We wish you a pleasant journey to Cologne and look forward to
welcoming you.
Andreas Engert, MD, Symposium and GHSG Chairman
Sven Borchmann, MD, Symposium Secretary
Paul Bröckelmann, MD, Symposium Secretary
Dennis Eichenauer, MD, Symposium Secretary

Please do not reply directly to this message. If you would like more information on the 11ᵗʰ International Symposium on Hogkin Lymphoma, or have additional questions please contact Gabriele Hanke (info@hodgkinsymposium.org).

Please add enews@hodgkinsymposium.org to your address book to prevent spam filters from blocking these e-mails.

11ᵗʰ International Symposium on Hodgkin Lymphoma
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Engert
Professor for Internal Medicine, Hematology & Oncology
German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG) | Gleueler Str. 269-273 | 50937 Cologne

Tel. +49 (0)221-478 5933
Fax +49 (0)221-478 3778

E-Mail: info@hodgkinsymposium.org

For more information please click here.