Cologne, July 2018 |
Outstanding Scientific Abstracts |
Dear colleagues and friends,
Abstract submission has closed and we are pleased to announce that we hit an all-time record in numbers of scientific abstracts submitted. In the meantime, all abstract reviewers have worked hard and completed their review. We have received many excellent submissions and look forward to learn more about your work at ISHL11. There are a number of truely outstanding abstracts from which 7 were selected by the international Scientific Committee as award winners.
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Free Poster Print Service |
This year, a free poster print service for accepted posters is offered with the opportunity to have your poster printed and delivered to the congress venue free of charge. If you take advantage of this service, you will be able to conveniently design your poster online and have it printed to the highest professional standard. You can pick it up at the beginning of ISHL11.
For further instructions, please visit: https://www.hodgkinsymposium.org/abstracts-poster-print
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Limited Hotel Capacities |
Please be aware that hotel capacities are already limited, so we advise you to reserve now.
You can either book directly with the hotel or take advantage of the booking Hotel Accommodation form you can send to us. You can find a number of hotels on our Website.
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The symposium will take place in Cologne, Germany, between October 27 and 29, 2018.
For questions regarding the registration or other topics, please contact us at: info@hodgkinsymposium.org.
Register online
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We very much look forward to welcoming you to this event.
*Andreas Engert, MD, Congress and GHSG Chairman*
*Sven Borchmann, MD, Congress Secretary*
*Paul Bröckelmann, MD, Congress Secretary*
*Dennis Eichenauer, MD, Congress Secretary*
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Please do not reply directly to this message. If you would like more information on the 11ᵗʰ International Symposium on Hogkin Lymphoma, or have additional questions please contact Gabriele Hanke (info@hodgkinsymposium.org).
Please add enews@hodgkinsymposium.org to your address book to prevent spam filters from blocking these e-mails.
11ᵗʰ International Symposium on Hodgkin Lymphoma
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Engert
Professor for Internal Medicine, Hematology & Oncology
German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG) | Gleueler Str. 269-273 | 50937 Cologne
Tel. +49 (0)221-478 5933
Fax +49 (0)221-478 3778
E-Mail: info@hodgkinsymposium.org
For more information please
click here.