ISHL10 Abstract P141

Are we aware of nutritional status and vitamin D level in Hodgkin lymphoma patients?

Background:Patients with Hodgkin lymphoma ussualy have weight loss at the diagnosis of disease. None of the prognostic parameters so far did not evaluate prognostic significance of weight loss. Also, vitamin D is not ussualy assed in lymphomas. Aim: Evaluation of nutritional status and level of vitamin D in de novo patients with Hodgkin lymphomas. Methodology: 22 de novo pts diagnosed from january 2014. At Clinic for hematology, Clinical center of Serbia, median age 34,5(19-60)years. Initial clinica stage (CS) was: I in 1/22; II in11/22; III in 4/22 ans IV5/22..ECOG PS: 0 in 5/22pts, 1 in 12/22, 2 in 5/22. All pts were treated initialy with ABVD. Nutritional status was screened by NRS 2002 and vitamin D was assesed with the chemiluminescent immunoassay for the quantitative determination of total serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH) vitamin D). Pts were followed for median18,5 (12-26) months. Results: Mean BMI was 24,08±3,39 while 3/22 pts had BMI less than 20,5kg/m2. 7/22 pts have lost ≥10%body weight (BW) during previous 6mts. 9/22pts had NRS 2002≥3. Median 25-OH vitamin D 26,7(10,2-62,05)nmol/l and none of pts had normal level. 9/22 had severe defitiency <25nmol/l, 9/22 defitiency 25-50nmol/l and 4/22 had unsufitient level 50-75nmol/l. 7/22 pts progressed within one year. Median PFS 8(3-12) months. Pearson correlation between pts with weight loss over 10% BW and progression is 0,4, p=0,66, while for 25-OH vitamin D lower than 25nmol/l and progression was 0,589, p=0,005. In binary logistic model only severe defitency 25-OH vitamin D was significant for progression while CS, NRS and ECOGPS over were not significant. Conclusion: Around 40%pts are malnourished or in nutritional risk. Any of pts had normal 25-OH vitamin D, there was a significant correlation between severe defitiency and progression. Supportive care along with chemotherapy may obtain better treatment results.


  • V. Djurasinovic
  • M. Saric
  • B. Andjelic
  • S. Ignjatovic
  • Balint M. Todorovic
  • D. Antic
  • V. Vukovic
  • J. Jelicic
  • A. Sretenovic
  • B. Mihaljevic