Introduction : The incidence of malignant neoplasms in women at reproductive age has increased dramatically over the past decade and is still rising. Hodgkin`s lymphoma (HL) is one of the most frequent hematological malignancies in young women. When diagnosed HL during pregnancy ,it represents a major clinical dilemma and there is a lack of established standards defining its optimal treatment during gestation. The coincidence of HL and pregnancy poses an unusual challenge for the mother and the medical team. Material : 102 patients with Hodgkin lymphoma(HL) were treated at the MSCMCC Warsaw between 01/1986 and 12/2015. Age : range (mean) : 16-39 (29). Most patients Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) in the second stage of clinical Ann Arbor (CS), histopathological type of NS (nodular sclerosis) and in the second trimester of pregnancy. B symptoms- 51%, tumor mass -41%, MMR> 1/3 -38%. Methods of treatment: I trimester :therapeutic abortion or radiotherapy (IF) upper cervical or axillary lymph nodes or miscarriage (7-8 Hbd), III trimester : method “watch and wait” and delivery 37-39 Hbd or chemotherapy scheme EVA (1-2 cycles before delivery ) (Etoposide 100mg/m2 days 1-3 , Vinblastine 6 mg/m2 day 1, Doxorubicin 50mg/m2 day 1 repeated every 28 days) before delivery. II trimester method “watch and wait” or radiotherapy (IF) total dose between 20-44 Gy before delivery and chemotherapy LOPP, MOPP, MOPP/ABV after delivery or radiotherapy (IF) total dose 30-35 Gy and chemotherapy scheme EVA (2 cycles) before delivery or chemotherapy scheme EVA (3-4 cycles) before delivery and radiotherapy (IF) total dose 30-40 Gy after delivery. In vivo dosimetry before delivery during radiotherapy by irregular fields Thermoluminescent dosimetry HARSHAW 100 or Thomson and Nielsen t.MOSFET TN –RD 51 and individually blocks of the abdomen and fetus were used. The dose of the fetus was estimated individually in all. Total dose 0 cGy -19.19 cGy.Results: Out of 102 treated women now live 94 (92%).Most of the living patients in complete remission. In 2 patients after childbirth was made a full panel of diagnostic tests. They remain in partial remission and continued treatment regimen ABVD. Cause of death in 8 patients: relapse or primary refractory disease. Was born 90 children. Parturition and postpartum correct. All bearings were subjected to histopathological examination. There was no cell lymphoma in the tested material. There were no developmental or genetic defects in children. Children are under constant medical care. Physical and mental development correct. One infant developed acute respiratory distress syndrome and died 6 days after delivery. Age surviving children 6 months - 29 years.