ISHL10 Abstract P106


Although HL is highly curable, 10-30% patients (pts) are refractory or relapse after treatment. Salvage second line chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) usually achieves 50% responses. Refractory pts and those who relapse after ASCT have a poor prognosis. BV is an anti_CD30 antibody-drug-conjugate with significant activity against refractory/relapsed HL. We report a multicentric retrospective analysis of 34 Portuguese pts receiving BV monotherapy for refractory/relapsed HL between 9/2011 and 2/2016 at 10 centers. BV (1.2 or 1.8 mg/Kg) was administered every 3w. Response was evaluated by PET-CT. Overall (OS) and progression-free-survival (PFS) were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method; chi-square text was used to evaluate relation between clinical variables and response. Pts (53% female) were diagnosed between 1997 and 2015; 62% had advanced disease. First-line treatment was ABVD in 91% with a 74% overall response rate (ORR). Twenty-eight pts (82%) received salvage chemotherapy with intent to perform ASCT, and 64% underwent transplant. Median age at BV was 34.5 yo (23-69), 76% had advanced disease and 1/3 B symptoms. Median time from initial diagnosis was 44 mo; median number of prior treatments was 4 (2-6), with 79% pts refractory to last one. Median number of BV cycles was 7.5. In 18 pts with early evaluation of response (at cycles 2 to 4), ORR was 67% and CR 33%. At the end of treatment, ORR was 21% (5 CR, 15%), while 76% had either stable or progressive disease. Pts with ≤3 prior lines had ORR 47% as compared to none in pts with >3 (p< 0,001). No difference in ORR was noted according to gender, refractory/relapsed state and number of involved nodal areas. Ten pts (29%) were transplanted after BV, only 4 in response; 18 started subsequent treatment after BV. After a median follow-up of 12 mo 11 pts died, mostly of progressive disease. OS and PFS at 12 months were 73.5% and 19% respectively. BV was well tolerated with 18% peripheral neurotoxicity, 33% at least one hematological toxicity and 9% grade 3-4 infections in all pts. In a real-life setting, with a heavily pre-treated and mainly refractory population, responses to BV were lower than previously described. In agreement to others we observed loss of responses with prolonged treatment, suggesting a benefit for early evaluation and treatment consolidation to maximize the benefit of BV. Better ORR was observed after ≤3 prior treatments, suggesting that BV should be offered early.


  • F. Pierdomenico
  • A.L. Pinto
  • J. Coutinho
  • S. Chacim
  • J. Raposo
  • A. Neves
  • M. Fevereiro
  • F. Principe
  • M.H. Vitória
  • J.P. Fernandes
  • S. Carvalho